
「eClass 全港中小學教案設計比賽」得獎作品系列 2

Fantastic Animals
陳美玲老師 慈雲山聖文德天主教小學

教案簡介 (續)

慈雲山聖文德天主教小學陳美玲老師在其獲得「eClass 全港中小學教案設計比賽 - 最佳運用電子教學工具獎」之小學英文教案《Fantastic Animals》中,結合其合作教學技巧「Think-Pair-Share」,巧妙運用了各種不同的電子工具,例如:PowerBoard 創意圖工具PowerConcept 概念圖工具PowerVoice 錄音工具PowerSpeech 語音發聲工具等,提升英語聽說讀寫之鍛練;同時,亦藉著即時投票及即時小測等工具進行有效的教學評估。

Learning Assessment

For motivation, the task of the Venn diagram could help to arouse students' interest in the beginning of the lesson. Students could revise the names of the animals and their habitats.

After watching the Powerpoint, students' performances could be assessed.Teachers could discuss the answers with students easily and efficiently.

Before making the recording, students could vote and write down their answers. Teachers should give enough time for students to practise reading out their answers. Teachers could listen to the recordings with students to assess their learning output in the lesson

